Sunday, December 5, 2021

I can’t believe 2021 is almost over


 I have lots of exciting plans for 2022

The last two years have been very tough for everyone, myself included. However I am one of those people that thrives in stress. Too much stress will break anyone but 2021 has been just right for me. I’ve been faced with many challenges that seemed impossible but I delivered the goods and it makes me feel like I've become a better person for it.

My day job will always be busy but over the past two years I’ve learned how to make better use of what little time I have and also that it’s OK to say no when people ask you to do too much. This is good as I’ve been able to free up a spare hour here and there to plan some exciting things that I’m really looking forward to sharing with you all when they’re ready.

In the mean time I intend to blog more often perhaps once week, even if it’s just one or two paragraphs. Blogging is a convenient way to share ideas and keep you updated and I encourage you to share your thoughts either privately or in the comments. All feedback, positive or negative is good feedback which will help me to improve my work.

Also I’ve already written up my goals for 2022. They are to get my side project up and running, to write at least one quick read every two weeks and finish writing Absolution so I can get started on my next erotic novella. If I can stick to this plan then I should be able to produce content every week.Absolution does have some dark themes to it but I'm ready start holding back less and share some more taboo stories now.

Keep checking in to my website LionelErotica as the more traffic I get the more I feel obliged to produce more content.



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