Saturday, November 23, 2019

About Alien Encounter (My Space Date)

Alien Encounter was inspired by this story My Space Date that I read on xHamster by retired user xxxred4uxxx. My story The Botanist was also inspired by her story Eaten by aPlant. I have a soft spot for nerdy girls and having a fondness for technology I quite like a little bit of science fiction myself. I really enjoyed reading it and wanted to add a little more detail to her story so I re-wrote it.

I added a little of my own background from one of my own stories that happened in a bar and really tried to get inside the head of this sexy woman that loves cock as much as I love arse and pussy. I saw her profile before she deleted it and was blown away, she radiated sex appeal, women with dirty minds really do it for me and she was hot. I messaged her telling her how wonderful her stories were but she didn’t believe me.

As it was her sexy mind that conceived it, I hope that she finds this story and gets in touch.

I wrote this story from a female perspective, primarily for female and sissy readers however it is a heterosexual encounter so hopefully it will appeal to everyone. The story is about a young woman who has the mind of a dirty little slut. She takes a risky walk home at night through a dodgy park and is taken away by an alien who probes her ;) I’ll leave the rest to the imagination or you can read it on my website here.



Saturday, August 24, 2019

About Daddy’s Girl

About Daddy’s Girl

I have just reposted part one of one of my most controversial stories, Daddy’s Girl.

From a moral perspective Daddy’s Girl was one of the hardest stories I have ever written. It was the first story ever to be posted on Lionel Erotica but was removed on moral grounds. Other than few details set aside as a twist at the end (which was never released) it is exactly what it sounds like in the title.

The story was written on request and it was only after a lot of consideration that it was written at all. It was eventually removed on moral grounds as I had a number of readers make some obscene assumptions about the plot. It was easily one of my most popular stories and I soon learned that there was a huge demand for teen and incest erotica.

Having read accounts of men and women who were taken advantage of when they were minors I do not approve of sexual relations with anyone under the age of consent. However the thrill of a much older individual having a sexual encounter with someone barely legal is very taboo which makes for a much more exciting story. Also the accounts of the inexperienced can be nostalgic and romantic.

I am a strong believer in freedom of speech and find that the more taboo the scenario the more interesting the story. I have written about rape, snuff, and outright torture before. However I will never write an erotic story that involves minors on moral grounds. If you have such urges please seek psychiatric help as taking advantage of minors is wrong and will traumatise your victims when they mature. 

Despite my one hard limit I do enjoy writing about barely legal teens.

It has become abundantly clear that the demand for incest fantasies and large age gap relationships is also incredibly high. Look at any mainstream pornography site and you will see a vast number of incest related hits and teen porn is a genre in itself. It is also the number one most requested scenario on Lionel Erotica by far. The massive almost mainstream demand for incest erotica raises a lot of interesting questions.

Incest is the new anal.

Whilst I’ve newer had sexual relations with or even been attracted to a blood relative before, the fact that it’s so taboo makes the subject very exciting for me and I love incest role play. Also I once met a distant cousin who I found incredibly attractive before I found out that we were distantly related which got me thinking. How do you handle the “Luke Skywalker” Incest scenario when you are attracted to someone and later find out that you’re related?

Is it time that society reconsiders it’s stance on incest? Should the subject be open to debate and new considerations be made towards legislation on incest?

I often tease good friends with attractive sisters about how if I had a sister as attractive as theirs I might consider incest. I believe that human beings are naturally inclined to find incest both appealing and repulsive.

Incest is appealing because when you spend a lot of time with a member of the opposite sex (or the same sex if you ‘re so inclined) then you will get to know them intimately and such a situation can easily blossom into a sexual relationship. Sexual intercourse is easier to initiate between people who know each other and spend a lot of time alone with each other. Who knows you better and spends more time with you behind closed doors than your family?

Incest is abhorrent because it’s not natural to have offspring with direct relatives. The lack of genetic diversity leads to birth defects which from an evolutionary standpoint makes incest undesirable. As with most mammals humans are naturally attracted to partners with different immune systems. Pheromones produced by more exotic partners are more attractive because their immune systems are different and therefore will produce offspring with more comprehensive immunities.

Moreover a lack of genetic diversity will lead to a significantly higher risk of birth defects. The best example being the lineage of the Spanish Royal family which became so inbred that the last of it’s line were born with severe birth defects. Another good example is the breeding of canines where the interbreeding of certain pedigrees has become so rife that new hereditary diseases have developed such as syringomyelia where the brain wont fit in the skull and is crushed during maturation.

With the high risk of producing unhealthy children among blood relativeness it becomes abundantly clear why humans as with any species has evolved only to engage in incest as a last resort. However with the onset of modern technology we now have effective contraception and in the foreseeable future it will become possible to either genetically modify any foetus that has birth defects or even ensure that such foetuses are never germinated in the first place.

With developments in media technology the voices of minorities have become louder. This led to legislation regarding sexual preferences changing. Now in most developed countries same sex relationships are no longer illegal.

These same developments have made it abundantly clear that the desire or at least the fantasy of sexual relations with blood relatives is mainstream and on the verge of becoming acceptable. Perhaps we should legalize incest provided that the participants use contraception or other means to ensure that there is no risk of a child being born with birth defects.

Whilst the definition of a minor will always be subjective, any debate about legalizing sex with minors should quite rightly remain off limits. For now I am happy with things as they are with incest staying firmly in the realms of an exciting and taboo fantasy but it certainly makes for a fascinating debate.

What do you think?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

About Absolution

My latest project is a rather controversial one. I use to live in a city that was rife with drug addicts. After a night out the fastest route home involved walking through a rather rough part of town and I'd often get approached by ladies of the night.

I knew that they were suffering and it was frustrating to know that there wasn't really much I could do to help them. Being a former "sex addict" myself and still having the sex drive of a sixteen year old boy I could really empathise with these human beings.  I'm also a fan of horror movies and I really liked that the plot of SAW II involved a former heroin addict who was rehabilitated by a psychopath.

I love writing erotic stories, the more obscene and scandalous the better and I've always wanted to write a horror story. Combine these two elements and you have my current project: Absolution. Unlike my other stories where I took an idea or a request from a reader and wrote a pilot chapter, I intend to complete this entire story regardless of how successful it is or how long it takes to write.

I really want to send a message that there is always hope no matter your situation and that people dealing with mental illness and addiction are human beings too. Of course with it being erotic literature I hope to make you cream your pants in the process.

Here's the link: Absolution

